When you visit Salon D'Artista & Spa, you can have our professional staff remove your unwanted hair using our state-of-the-art techniques & equipment.
We offer electrolysis & laser hair removal. If you're not sure which treatment is right for you. The information below can help you choose. You can also contact us for a FREE consultation. We'll help you find the right hair removal process for your skin & lifestyle. Our laser hair removal package may be the right choice for you.
At Salon D'Artista & Spa, we use the Apilus xCell Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal, the newest state-of-the-art electrolysis machine in the area.
The Apilus xCell sets a new standard in the field of 100% final hair removal by raising the levels of efficiency, speed, and comfort of its predecessors. A sophisticated design with a touch screen, customized treatment programs, and the unique 27.12 MHz frequency add up to offer you a perfect combination of user-friendliness and performance.
Electrolysis is a process that destroys hair by gently delivering a minor electric current to the base of the hair follicle through a very fine needle. This is done through the natural opening of the hair follicle, destroying the hair growth-tissue and substantially eliminating the hair.
People wanting to get rid of gray, very fine, blond, and white hair can go for electrolysis. Moreover, electrolysis can also be very effective in shaping small areas with hair, such as eyebrows, lip, underarms, bikini line, and more.
Electrolysis has been used for decades and has been found to be safe. At Salon D'Artista & Spa, we always use high-grade sterilized disposable equipment. In addition, we follow the strictest and up-to-date infection control recommendations of the American Electrology Association (AEA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
During electrolysis, some clients experience a pricking sensation, which they compare to the feeling of a hair being plucked. This sensation is your guarantee that the hair base is actually being destroyed. With advancing technology, electrolysis is more comfortable and effective than ever. You may visit our clinic for a free patch test and try it out for yourself — there's no better way to answer this question!
After treatment, the treated follicles may be slightly red. This usually subsides after a few hours. Your electrologist will discuss your post-electrolysis treatment with you. It is advisable to avoid the sun the day after treatment and use good sun protection (as always!).
With electrolysis, your skin and hair color don't matter. The follicles are always destroyed since electrolysis delivers the required energy directly to the root of the hair. Moreover, unlike laser, electrolysis does not rely on heat traveling through the hair.
This is by far the most difficult question to answer briefly. The time to completely remove all your unwanted hair depends on various factors, such as:
$1.50 per minutes
Electrolysis is a process that destroys hair by gently delivering a minor electric current to the base of the hair follicle through a very fine needle. This is done through the natural opening of the hair follicle, destroying the hair growth-tissue and substantially eliminating the hair.
People wanting to get rid of gray, very fine, blond, and white hair can go for electrolysis. Moreover, electrolysis can also be very effective in shaping small areas with hair, such as eyebrows, lip, underarms, bikini line, and more.
Electrolysis has been used for decades and has been found to be safe. At Salon D'Artista & Spa, we always use high-grade sterilized disposable equipment. In addition, we follow the strictest and up-to-date infection control recommendations of the American Electrology Association (AEA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
During electrolysis, some clients experience a pricking sensation, which they compare to the feeling of a hair being plucked. This sensation is your guarantee that the hair base is actually being destroyed. With advancing technology, electrolysis is more comfortable and effective than ever. You may visit our clinic for a free patch test and try it out for yourself — there's no better way to answer this question!
After treatment, the treated follicles may be slightly red. This usually subsides after a few hours. Your electrologist will discuss your post-electrolysis treatment with you. It is advisable to avoid the sun the day after treatment and use good sun protection (as always!).
With electrolysis, your skin and hair color don't matter. The follicles are always destroyed since electrolysis delivers the required energy directly to the root of the hair. Moreover, unlike laser, electrolysis does not rely on heat traveling through the hair.
This is by far the most difficult question to answer briefly. The time to completely remove all your unwanted hair depends on various factors, such as:
$1.75 per minutes
The usual hair removal techniques such as shaving, plucking, and waxing provide only temporary relief and may actually stimulate hair growth. Electrolysis is effective, but then requires years of ongoing treatments. Laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment inside the hair follicle without damaging delicate pores and structures of the skin. At least 6 or 8 treatments will be needed because hair cycles through "growth" and "dormant" phases, and during the "dormant" phase the follicle has no pigment.
You'll be asked to wear eye protection consisting of an opaque covering or goggles. The area to be treated is then shaved. A small handpiece or "wand" is then placed over the area to be treated and the laser is “pulsed," emitting a beam of laser light that destroys the hair within the spot on the handpiece.
The number of sessions will vary for each individual. This is dependent on several factors such as age, gender, hormone levels, and more. During the initial visit, the laser light disables those follicles in the "active" phase of the growth cycle. Follicles in the "dormant" phase will not be affected. Since follicles pass through "active" and "dormant" phases, additional sessions may be desired once the "dormant" follicles become "active." For this reason, a series of treatments will be necessary.
Immediately after the treatment, your skin will look pink and slightly swollen, similar to a sunburn. This will subside within an hour or two, and your skin will return to normal. Occasionally, a patient will have temporary pigment changes, blistering, or scabbing. As with electrolysis, cases of scarring have been reported with laser hair removal, but these are extremely rare.
This is not new hair. It is a process called "shedding." The laser destroys the hair above the skin line and at the root, or papilla. There remains a middle section of the hair shaft (middle hair) which usually reaches the surface within 10 - 14 days after treatment.
You have to wait at least 8 weeks after sun exposure for a treatment because the laser is attracted to the melanin in the hair follicle. It cannot distinguish between that and the melanin in tanned skin.
The usual hair removal techniques such as shaving, plucking, and waxing provide only temporary relief and may actually stimulate hair growth. Electrolysis is effective, but then requires years of ongoing treatments. Laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment inside the hair follicle without damaging delicate pores and structures of the skin. At least 6 or 8 treatments will be needed because hair cycles through "growth" and "dormant" phases, and during the "dormant" phase the follicle has no pigment.
You'll be asked to wear eye protection consisting of an opaque covering or goggles. The area to be treated is then shaved. A small handpiece or "wand" is then placed over the area to be treated and the laser is “pulsed," emitting a beam of laser light that destroys the hair within the spot on the handpiece.
The number of sessions will vary for each individual. This is dependent on several factors such as age, gender, hormone levels, and more. During the initial visit, the laser light disables those follicles in the "active" phase of the growth cycle. Follicles in the "dormant" phase will not be affected. Since follicles pass through "active" and "dormant" phases, additional sessions may be desired once the "dormant" follicles become "active." For this reason, a series of treatments will be necessary.
Immediately after the treatment, your skin will look pink and slightly swollen, similar to a sunburn. This will subside within an hour or two, and your skin will return to normal. Occasionally, a patient will have temporary pigment changes, blistering, or scabbing. As with electrolysis, cases of scarring have been reported with laser hair removal, but these are extremely rare.
This is not new hair. It is a process called "shedding." The laser destroys the hair above the skin line and at the root, or papilla. There remains a middle section of the hair shaft (middle hair) which usually reaches the surface within 10 - 14 days after treatment.
You have to wait at least 8 weeks after sun exposure for a treatment because the laser is attracted to the melanin in the hair follicle. It cannot distinguish between that and the melanin in tanned skin.
Drop the Razor & Start thinking Laser
The typical cost of laser hair removal is surprisingly affordable. Laser hair removal prices vary according to the size of the area being treated (face, bikini, legs) and other factors. On an annual basis, the typical cost of laser hair removal services can be less expensive than waxing.
Upper Lip $25
Lower Lip $20
Uni-brow $20
Chin $30
Nose $20
Cheeks $35
Neck (Front) $40
Sideburns $30
Ears $25
Full Face $80
Back Neck Hairline $40
Underarms $60
Breast Area $40
Happy Trail (middle line) $40
Stomach $50
Bikini Line $60
Full Brazilian $120
Partial Brazilian $85- $95
Shoulders $60
Arms (Half) $55
Arms (Full) $75
Fingers & Toes $40
Lower Back $45
Buttocks $65
Legs (Lower) Knees & Below $65
Legs (Upper) $85
Legs (Full) $120
Full Body $1000
Uni-brows $25
Nose $20
Ears $25
Upper Lip $30
Chin $50
Neck (Front) $50
Cheeks $35
Sideburns $40
Full Face $100
Forehead $30
Neck Hairline $60
Head $150
Fingers & Toes $60
Shoulders $80
Happy Trail $65
Stomach $90
Underarms $80
Buttocks $100
Bikini Line $80
Chest $80
Back $120
Arms (Full) $95
Arms (Half) $75
Legs (Halfs) $90
Legs (Full) $150
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